A free, open-source wiki

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"Hey, Chat-4o, what's a wiki?"

A wiki is a type of collaborative software that allows users to create, edit, and manage content collectively. Wikis are designed to be simple to use and accessible, enabling a wide range of users to contribute to the development and maintenance of the content without needing extensive technical skills.

Key features of wikis include:

  1. Collaborative Authoring: Multiple users can contribute to and modify content, often in real-time.
  2. Version Control: Changes made to the content are tracked, with previous versions retained, allowing users to revert to earlier versions if needed.
  3. Hyperlinking: Wiki pages can be easily interconnected through hyperlinks, allowing users to navigate between related topics effortlessly.
  4. Search Functionality: Users can quickly search and find content within the wiki.
  5. Permissions and Access Control: Wikis can be configured with different levels of access, allowing certain users to have editing rights while others may only view the content.
  6. Simple Markup Language: Wikis often use a simple markup language for formatting text, making it easy for users to learn and apply.

Wikis are used for various purposes, including documentation, knowledge bases, project management, and educational resources. The most well-known example of a wiki is Wikipedia, an extensive online encyclopedia created and maintained by a global community of volunteers.